How to use WeChat on a computer?


We have prepared a guide for people who are wondering how to use WeChat on a computer. Here are the steps to use WeChat on PC! 


You can use the popular instant messaging service WeChat on your computer. For this process, you need to perform several steps in a given order. In the article that we have prepared, we have explained the steps that you need to follow in order to use the instant messaging service on PC. The instant messaging app called WeChat, which was first introduced in 2011, has become a huge success by reaching over 1 billion monthly active users in 2018. Popular for many years, this service has a user-friendly interface. In addition to messaging, the service, which allows video and audio communication, has several features, including sending location and sharing stickers. These features greatly improve the user experience. The popular instant messaging service can be used on mobile devices with Android and iOS operating systems as well as on computers. So how to use WeChat on PC? In this article, we will answer a question that many people ask themselves.


Steps to use WeChat on PC 


Download WeChat. Install the program on the PC.


Open WeChat. Open WeChat on your phone.


Open the scan screen. Scan the QR code on your computer.


Your conversation will be displayed. To use WeChat, one of the world's most popular instant messaging services, on your computer, you just need to take a few steps. First, download WeChat to your computer. After downloading, double-click the installation file to start the installation process. Once the instant messaging service is installed on your computer, launch the program. If you follow this step, a window will open. In the window that opens, you need to scan the QR code. For the mentioned process, you need to open the scan screen through WeChat installed on your smartphone. After the scanning process is done, the chat interface will open. So you can communicate with your friends or family via PC without needing a smartphone.


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